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Landscape in the HomeA map that well represents the link between mankind, mankind's home, and the landscape...

Fabrizio Vendramini


The home as a haven; the home as a representation of social status; the home as an identification of a place or lifestyle. Residing creates a deep link to the, more or less natural, place chosen for it, and "residing is, through settling down, the primary action for creating roots with the Land".

Gumdesign has recently won the Best Communicator Award 2014 for a "Stone House".
Marble is the lowest common denominator of projects that evoke it and analyze its various meanings.

These are pieces that create a puzzle consisting of sensations, feelings, space, material, and memory. This is a formally and conceptually well-constructed tale, one that calls attention to a deep and ancestral relationship between mankind and nature.

"Paesaggio" in particular is an exercise in style. It is a composition of forms and colours that evoke a natural dimension: the sea, sky, a river and yet more. A myriad of tiny geometrical elements that design a mosaic without perspective and from which any race of the human presence was excluded a priori. A map that well represents the link between mankind, mankind's home, and the landscape.

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